Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Perfect Party

Ashley McKay
Professor Rau
December 14, 2014

            So man, were at the perfect party ever man.  Mother Earth totally granted us to walk on her beautiful body, gracing us with this far out field. We are here to celebrate this magical day with totally rad free spirits. Mother Earth knows what we are about today, granting us with divine weather and beautiful people.
            We are all here today to be laid back smoking the greens around the fire pit. We got some lovely people here swayin and dancing, listening to these fine people strumming on their guitars. These fine people graced us with their presence bringing their musical talents today. Strummin their guitars and totally jammin out. This righteous music is totally magical. The vibes here are radical man.
Today is all about peace, love, and enjoying each other. Hang lose my friend and toke some of that good stuff. Sip on some that sweet brew, because we don’t have any stress today.
 Everyone came up today in their unreal woodie’ s bringing the love today. We have no bad vibes man. We only need our spirits, pot, awesome munchies and love today man. If you need to scarf down some sweet munchies feel free my dude. The munchies are all a part of the day my dude
 The only dress code we got is no dress code. Don’t let today's whack society define your threads. Come as you are flower child because we refuse to conform to the squares.

            We will always live in today because we are not bound to time. Only time we gotta peal out is when the Pigs swing by. No worries dude, this is a totally awesome spot, hidden away from the constraints of society no one is gonna ruin this outta sight party.

Monday, December 8, 2014

These Are a Few of My Favorite Words.

Dear Terrible Mannered People:
Having good manners used to be valuable in this country. Saying please, thank you, and excuse me, were kind words that go you where you wanted to be. Now, you people choose to ignore each other, look past one another and keep your mouths shut. You are all annoying entitled people. You are all the worst people I have ever met!
When we cross paths in a tight isle, I will move… if you say excuse me. Although, if you don’t I will continue to ignore you. I’m not being rude, you are. Saying “excuse me, may I pass through,” would NOT kill you. It would do you a lot better than not saying anything at all.
If I don’t see you, don’t grab at the peppers in front of me. Instead, please let me know that you’re trying to reach for the fresh vegetables as well. I can make both our lives more pleasant when you and I communicate. We are all trying to get in and out of Trader Joe’s as smoothly as possible. I shouldn't have to say “sorry” for parking my cart in front of me while I get some yummy asparagus because you are impatient. You should ask me to “can you please move over so I too can reach the asparagus”.
When you ask me to get something for you, I have no problem doing it. Just and thank you at the end. It would get you a lot further than acting like you’re entitled to my services. Having bad manners leaves others in a bad mood.
When I hold the door open for you, don’t just ignore me please. I hold the door open for you because it is polite. Saying thank you is a great way to make my day better. I could just let the door shut behind me but my Mother taught me to be kind to others. I’m sure your mother taught you the same. Instead of be nasty say thank you.
Excuse, please, and thank you, are some of my favorite words. Using them excessively will never happen. Being polite will never go out of style in my book, so please, don’t let it go out of style in yours!
I hope to hear those amazing manners soon!
Your annoyed polite friend,
