Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Paper trail or Paperless?

 Digital has become the main way for people to connect and find out information. In “Why Digital is Better than Print,” Dan Blank explains why digital is taking over and how it is beneficial people today. Blank understands today’s society and represents why people choose technology over print. Choosing digital over print is the best way to get information today.
            “Just Google it,” is a common term that people use so often today. People reach for their phones to learn and find information on the spot. Without smartphones people would have so many unanswered questions. As Blank explains, “our lives have become more focused on information and media in the past few decades, the web has been an amazing tool to integrate the many data streams,” people have become used to the idea of having knowledge on the go, the ability to be able to look up whatever they want, and post and blog whenever they want.
            Technology takes up less space. We have more room in our backpacks and hands than we used to. No more folding up a newspaper and sticking in between an arm to save room while walking from destination to destination day. “When you are crowded onto a train next to thousands of other people, the tactile aspect of newspapers actually becomes a hindrance” (Blank). People used to have to weave their way through packed public transportations trying not to disturb the commuters reading their newspapers and magazines. Now people are able to move about more freely without the fear of bumping into someone.
            In this new digital era, the idea of being ecofriendly has taken over. Just like people using reusable water bottles more people are switching to digital forms of technology in order to save the trees. There is less impact on the environment when people use their technology for their go to newspaper.  Blank explains, “the inherent waste is not as evident, as millions of copies of a single piece of content can be replicated and spread across the world in moments” (Blank).
            As any book obsessed person would know, the worst feeling in the world is leaving a book at home, while on a long commute. With the digital media today, forgetting a book is irrelevant. Book readers whip out their e-readers, tablets or phones and they can find a book in to seconds on the internet and entertain themselves that way. The idea of reading on a tablet was once not ideal; however, people are becoming more interested in the idea of having all your books in one tiny spot.
             People have become so reliant on technology. Technology has created an easier way of life for everyone. It has created the constant ability of having something to do at all times. People can check their social media, answer calls, use their email, check the weather, and even catch up on the latest news. In today’s society, people would be lost without their digital world.

Work Cited:

Blank, Dan. “Why Digital Is Better Than Print.” I Feel Fine: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Web. n. p. 5 August 2000. web. [ October 29, 2014]